This, this project is probably one of my favorite things cause I still use this in my day to day, which is my password generator project. So for this, if I can just restart this here, it's gonna ask how many letters I would like in my password. Let's see, let's go with, you know, two, four, and how many symbols do I want in my password? Like three and how many numbers I would like in the password as well. And let's go with another four. So what this does is it makes a selection of each type of, of character, and it prints out not necessary, but I like that it prints out the choices that were made. So you can clearly see that we have 1, 2, 3, 4 letters. 1, 2, 3 symbols and 1, 2, 3, 4 numbers. And then when SAT's done it's gonna shuffle all of those characters and give us a random give them, give us a random printout of our new, our suggested password. The, see now the, the exclamation point is in the first row. I mean, in the first spot here numbers are at the front, letters are in the back. It's, it's all jumbled up. This was not particularly difficult. I kind of just was, was very just, I guess I wanna say like neat with things and making sure that I could see where everything was gonna go. So, like, starting with our input, we had a separate variable for how many letters we want, how many symbols we want and how many numbers. And let's take a look down here. And then we have extra, extra two and extra three, which is there to essentially add those characters into their own separate erase. So for letter, we're going go in and randomly pick a number between zero and 51 because we have 52. Is it 50 52 letters? Why did I feel like I have 52? Oh, because the, they're capitalized cuz they also could be capitalized. So we have our 26 letters and the capitalized versions making that total 52. And so when you say I, you know, four letters, it could be a capital M, lowercase m such as the case here. And so we add those letters to their own little list called extra and do the same with symbols, M numbers. Then we are going to add all three of those guys together into a variable called codes. And we're printing codes out, which is this list here. And then we are going to shuffle them up. Since we've already imported the random module, we can now make use of shuffle, shuffle all these guys up together. And what we have left is our password. And for each character in the password, I, I added it in just creating a four loop to add each individual character con contaminating it into a string called password. For Python. I don't, I don't remember if there's like a way to just join everything together, but that this was just the easiest way for, for me at the time to create this, this password. It was a very neat project. I would say the thing that I, I didn't really struggle with too much here. Using Four Loops can be a bit of a, of a challenge. When they decide that you're, they're not gonna work. It's sometimes, sometimes when, when I deal with a for loop and something's not going the way I planned it to go it's, it's a little bit difficult for me to, to take that bug out of there or to keep track of, of what occurred. So in, in this particular instance with something like this, I use THK to help walk me through the logic of the project and, and figure out where, where that mistake or where that bug is coming from. There's probably, with something like this, there's probably dozens of ways to do this. I, I don't know how else to do it. I just kind of came up with the, the way that would work for me. If I was to improve this, I probably would try and figure out, I, I probably would want to try and compact this even more and see if there's a Python way of just adding all of these together as opposed to doing it separately because I could have just appended to one list each after each loop as opposed to Creating separate ones and then adding them together. But this just helped relieve my brain so much at the time, I assume. If you have any more questions or suggestions, feel free to send me an email at Thank you and have a nice rest of your day.